A downloadable game

Once installed this package you need to create a single 1 x 1 x 1 voxelmesh, and add the cell script to that cell. For the '8' display duplicate the voxelmesh with script 15 times, to make a 5 rows of 3 blocks. 

The cell script has the following editor properties: [Time Length] the time between voxel changes [Number] an identifier [Voxel Type] click the + to create 10 entries. Select 2 Voxels of opposing colours to use as your display (i used black metal and black glass). In this example I use X to represent one voxel and O to represent the other. [Start visible] tick [Start collidable] tick

Using the top left voxel as cell 1, through to cell 15 bottom right, this is the sequence to create the countdown timer:

9  10

4  6 10

4  9 10

3  7  8  10


4 5 9 10

3 7 9 10

3 10

9 10

1 3 5 6 7 9 10


8 9 10

1 3 6 10

1 3 6 10


Finally check you have the display the correct way around to the player, and test test test

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